Monday 9 January 2017

Bloody Drama Of Rawalpindi Conspiracy (As Reviewed by His Highness Nawabzada Akber Liaqat Ali Khan)

"The Bloody Drama of Rawalpindi Conspiracy" is reproduced below with certain corrections by His Highness Nawabzada Akber Liaqat Ali Khan - The younger Son of the Most Magnificent and Sovereign Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan (14 August, 1947 - 16 October ,1951)

First Pakistani Prime Minister Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan

Mr. Saadat Hasan Manto had called the conspiracy a bloody drama. Rawalpindi conspiracy and the assassination of Prime Minister Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan is a three-act tragic drama with a bloody drop scene as staged on 16th October 1951.

65 years of research fully endorses Dr. Ayesha Jalal’s belief that the conspiracy was a false case engineered by the British and American Agencies in collaboration with their sympathizers in Pakistan’s Government and Armed Forces to deprive the country of outstanding patriotic officers.

The First Act consists of a false story about the conspiracy. While the PM is working day and night for the prosperity and glory of The Nation. According to the political scientists, the story was fabricated to shock the PM. It intended to blindfold the PM by showing false loyalty by planning to unduly prolong the trial, create hatred against the PM and the alleged officers by the print media and facilitate the assassination of the PM by neglecting or withdrawing the State Security by the Civil and Military Intelligence agencies during his visit to Rawalpindi on that fateful day of 16th October 1951.

The Second Act ends the Drama by assassination of the PM.

The Third Act comprises of seizing powers by the Troika of Ghulam Muhammad, Iskander Mirza and Ayub Khan as the main beneficiaries of the assassination of the PM.

A poet has lamented


“Rawalpindi Conspiracy ka vavaila ker kay,       
 jin logon ne PM per goli chalwai, 
17 October 1951 ki shaam ko
inhi ke haathon main phir hakoomat aai”

 Saadat Hasan Manto ne kya khoob kaha                 
“Uss din do bey gunaahon ka khoon hua”.  

Country’s civil and military intelligence agencies are totally ignorant but The Hero of the false story a Police Inspector Askar Ali Shah unveils the alleged conspiracy to the Governor KPK Mr. I.I Chundrigar. The PM calls the Defense Secretary Iskander Mirza and newly appointed Commander-in-chief Ayub Khan at Sargodha after learning from Mr. I. I. Chundrigar. Both of them expressed their complete ignorance about such conspiracy. Both lied to the PM. On the other hand Ayub Khan Writes in his memories that General Douglas David Gracey had told Ayub that there were young Turks in the Army. Neither General Gracey as commander-in-chief of Pakistan Army nor Ayub Khan ever informs the PM of this alleged conspiracy. Similarly, Iskander Mirza said on one occasion that he had sent Brigadier (later Major General) Akbar Khan DSO on a course to Imperial Defense College UK with the hope that he would be a changed man after attending the course. Again Iskander Mirza had lied. He wanted to defer his field posting and plan his posting as a staff officer in GHQ while Akbar Khan DSO was abroad. As obvious from the memoires of Major General Shahid Hamid, Isknader Mirza wanted to damage the careers of officers senior to Ayub Khan, particularly NAM Raza. Other seniors being M. Akbar Khan Rangroot and Ashfaq ul Majid both were Major General. As chief of intelligence Major General Shahid Hamid neglected the security of the PM on later’s visit on 16th October 1951.

Ayub Khan used Askar Ali Shah as a scapegoat through his brother Lt. Colonel Sultan Ali Shah. Isknader Mirza and Ayub Khan trusted Khan Qurban Ali Khan IG Punjab than IG KPK. Therefore, Askar Ali Shah was directed to record his false episode with Punjab Police instead of IG KPK. There he was told that it was all non-sense. On mal-treatment by the Punjab Police he got very annoyed and told them that he has realized that he had made a great mistake by lying to the Governor KPK about the country’s brave and patriotic army officers. He said Punjab Police are very rude and impolite to fellow officers from KPK. He refused to give any statement (like Commander Mr. Moazzam of Pakistan Navy in East Pakistan during trial of Agartala Conspiracy) and disappeared and never appeared before Hyderabad Tribunal. As his forced appearance could damage the cause of the Hyderabad Tribunal. So, no security or Intelligence agency was directed to produce him in the court.  The KPK police department was directed secretly to receive and accept his resignation. His resignation or retirement was kept secret from the tribunal. As the court asked for his presence and statement, the IG KPK told the court that he had resigned and disappeared. He was not declared absconder by the court, the alleged army officers were not court martialed, and they were tried by the Tribunal with the civilians.  The civilians were arrested to give a communist touch to the conspiracy.  None of the Pakistani Army Officers were communist. Those who revolted later in October 1958, March 1969, July 1977 and October 1999 were also not communist. Where are the statements of the most important characters like Mr. I. I. Chundrigar and Mr. Askar Ali Shah, Iskander Mirza, Ayub Khan, General Douglas David Gracey (retired commander-in-chief who preferred to stay for three months in Pakistan after his retirement) Brigadier Ingel Commandant PMA.

Which statement of Ayub Khan is correct??

a)      General Gracey as commander-in-chief told him about young Turks

b)      Ayub tells the PM at Sargodha that he knows nothing about the conspiracy. He will go to Peshawar with Isknader Mirza to find facts from Askar Ali Shah.

Why the officers were not arrested and court martialed when General Gracey was commander-in-chief. Leakage of conspiracy after Ayub became Commander-in-chief creates lots of doubts. It was dramatized. Was it that the conspiracy will be precipitated (leaked out) soon after Ayub Khan becomes Commander-in-chief.

Lt. General Abdul Majid Malik has also illustrated in his memoires that both Isknader Mirza and Ayub Khan were not men of integrity and credibility. Iskander Mirza as Defense Secretary prepared a false file and recommended Ayub Khan as Commander-in-chief and thus cheated the PM and deprived the right of Major General Ashfaqul Majid and Major General NAM Raza and another senior General Muhammad Akbar Khan Rangroot for further promotion and were retired as Major Generals in 1950. On the other hand General Gracey has been reported to have told Lt. General Wajahat Hussain in 1956 that the latter had some reservations against Ayub and had told the PM that Ayub was very ambitious and unsuitable for appointment as Commander-in-chief.

There was a false allegation against Major General Akbar Khan DSO that while abroad on a course in Imperial Defense College UK, he used to meet the communists. There is no report or evidence from the commandant of the Imperial Defense College. It seems that the secret service of UK were sleeping and allowing a free hand to the communists in UK to loiter about in Imperial Defense College, UK.

Brigadier Latif was alleged to have distributed communist literature to the officers in PMA as deputy commandant under Brigadier Ingal. Where are the statements of Brigadier Ingal and the officers who received the communist literature from Brigadier Latif? The statements of the approvers and the alleged officers were inconsistent.

The witnesses were mostly blue eyed officers of Ayub Khan. The officers were arrested on 9th March 1951 but the court assembled and started its job after three months on 15th June 1951. The trial was unnecessarily prolonged to strengthen the position of the Troika of Ghulam Muhammad, Isknader Mirza and Ayub Khan and cheat the PM before he was assassinated. Objectives of the conspiracy were achieved by removing the PM from the scene by violence, then to gain more time and divert the attention of the nation , the trial was unnecessarily prolonged first from 15th June 1951 to 16th October 1951 and then after 16th October 1951 (assassination day) to 5th January 1953. The prolonged proceedings of the Hyderabad Tribunal and assigning inquiry to incompetent Punjab Police already guilty of negligence damaged the cause of exposing men behind the scene who were responsible for PMs Assassination. However, men behind the scene were already in power in the form of a Troika.

Such trials are concluded speedily without any wastage of time. It is an operational matter, were they waiting for the departure of General Gracey to UK who was staying in Pakistan after retirement or because Ayub Khan was going to USA to receive the Highest Award Legion of Merit or it took three months for the false witnesses to learn the dialogues by heart to ejaculate in the Hyderabad Tribunal. During these three months (9th March 1951 to 15th June 1951) Police Inspector Askar Ali Shah refused to take part in the bloody drama of the Rawalpindi Conspiracy and disappeared. If the conspiracy had been a reality, then life of the PM was certainly in danger and civil and military intelligence agencies were required to be very prompt, active and vigilant to ensure the security of the Prime Minister on 16th October 1951. The PM was assassinated exactly four months after start of inquiry by the tribunal on 15thJune 1951. Since it was a false case and a part of intrigue, therefore, failure of intelligence occurred due to willful negligence and security was not provided to the PM intentionally. Therefore. Failure of civil and military Intelligence and security arrangement caused assassination of PM on 16th October 1951.

Saadat Hasan Manto wrote in Daily Afaq of 23rd October 1951 that ‘Two innocent people were killed on 16th October 1951’. Said Akbar was a scapegoat. The script writers of the conspiracy were the men behind the scene, who staged the assassination with two hired assassins. They simultaneously fired one bullet each into the heart of the Prime Minister and these simultaneous two bullets without a gap or time lag killed the Prime Minister.  The sound of two bullets simultaneously fired at the PM without a gap is available on the internet from the recording of Radio Pakistan on 16th October 1951 at 3:45 PM (Tuesday). The third shot is fired after eight seconds by Najaf Khan to give a signal to the police and best known to him alone. It was followed by a volley of fire in air which caused stampede and great confusion at the site. This third fire was admitted by Najaf Khan before Munir Inquiry Commission.

Liaquat's Assassination and Rawalpindi Conspiracy

Liaquat Ali Khan
Former Prime Minister of Pakistan

Quaid-e-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated on October 16th, 1951 at Company Bagh (Liaquat Bagh) in Rawalpindi. He will always enjoy a unique status as a founding father in the history of Pakistan. He was sovereign Prime Minister of Pakistan. He confronted the internal and external challenges courageously. Unfortunately, however, the character assassination of the trustworthy lieutenant of the Father of Nation, Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan, was constantly done by the vested interest. His excellent services, marvelous achievements and his glamorous period of four years, two months and two days is removed from the textbooks to keep young generation ignorant about his services to the nation as a sovereign Prime Minister.

The four beneficiaries of the Prime Minister's assassination, who ruled for a period of 20 years and two months from 17th October 1951 to 20th December 1971, had totally ignored the then Soviet Union. After a couple of years, a U2 reconnaissance plane (flown by Francis Gary Powers) was shot down by the Russians (soon after taking off from Peshawar Airbase) on 1st May 1960. It is an historical fact that Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was keen to visit Moscow but the invitation extended to him by the Soviet government could not materialize because the date of visit proposed by Moscow coincided with Pakistan's Independence Day the 14th August. However, Liaquat Ali Khan maintained an independent foreign policy & did not compromise on principles.

Coming to the assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan, it would be worth mentioning that the bullet removed from Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan by Colonel Dr Mian (later General Dr Mian) on 16th October 1951 were similar to the three bullet which were earlier removed from assassinated Iranian Prime Minister General Haj Ali Razmara on 7th March 1951. These were special bullets used by US officers and were never issued to Iranian or Pakistani Armed forces or police. The enquiry of Prime Minister's assassination was entrusted to inspector general of special police Aitezazuddin and after crash of his plane, the real conspirators later entrusted the inquiry of PM's assassination to highly incompetent and irresponsible Punjab Police who was already guilty of negligence in providing security to the Prime Minister and even handling the issue by killing the alleged assassin. The writer of this article happened to meet the police officer who shot five gun bullets on the alleged murderer Said Akbar in the Company Bagh on October 16th 1951. Some fellow students of Zamindar College of Gujrat accompanied me in the said meeting which was at his village in the District. Shah Mohammad did not answer seriously and was diplomatic in his language. We asked him as to why he shot at the alleged murderer of the Prime Minister when he was already in critical condition after receiving wound from the persons surrounded him at the venue of Rawalpindi public meeting. He told that the alleged murderer killed such a great leader that if he (police officer) had any other weapon, he would use that blindly on the mob. After some time, the police officer Shah Mohammad or Mohammad Shah was brutally murdered and his body was cut into small pieces near his house in the village. His killers came on horses along with a jeep car. This car plunged into a nearby canal and was taken out with the help of a crane. This whole incident proves that the forces behind the assassination of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan were influential and effective even in 1960.

The brief recording of the Company Bagh's public meeting is available on internet which reveals that as soon as Liaquat Ali Khan started his speech by saying "Bradaran-e-Millat" two shots were fired at him simultaneously which means that there were two persons who fired the bullets at a time on the prime minister. In case the shots were fired by a single person, there would have been a shot gap between the shots of the bullets. If we critically examine the statements of the witnesses gave to the Justice Munir Commission, we find contradictions in the evidence given by them. The Commission's Report reveals that Police officer Najaf Khan was standing behind the dice of the meeting. The recording of Radio

Pakistan available on the internet further shows that the two bullets were fired by Najaf Khan which were followed by frequent fire in the venue of the meeting which made it difficult to shift the injured prime minister immediately to the hospital. The entire game seems to be planned by the conspirators which were locals but sponsored by foreigners. The names of Malik Ghulam Muhammad, Nawab Mushtaq Gurmani, Iskandar Mirza and even Ayub Khan cannot be ruled out in view of the aftermath circumstances developed as a result of the assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan. Later on, the body of the Quaid-e-Millat was brought to the federal capital Karachi in the aeroplane of the Governor General whereas Khwaja Nazimuddin used another plane to travel to Karachi. His plane reached Karachi an hour later than that of the plane carrying Liaquat's body. The pilot of the plane carrying the Governor General wrote in his memoirs that he waited for a considerable time - more than an hour - to leave the plane because Khwaja Nazimuddin remained in the plane. The then Secretary General of Government of Pakistan Chaudhry Mohammad Ali entered in Khwaja Sahab's plane and stayed with him. It is apparent that the Secretary General would have been convincing Khwaja Nazimuddin to quit the office of the Governor General and become the successor of Liaquat Ali Khan in the office of the Prime Minister.

Why Liaquat was assassinated because he made a master plan for boosting agriculture, gaining self-sufficiency in food, cotton, sugarcane, fruits, exploring mineral resources, petroleum, enhancing agriculture by improving irrigation network, canals, dams for storage of water and generation of hydroelectric power, self sufficiency in weaponry and industrialization.

Let us now talk about the Rawalpindi conspiracy. Like the Arabian Nights or Alif Laila it can be called the Rawalpindi conspiracy 1951 which was planned on Dinner Nights extending over a period of about thousand nights but for one reason or the other it could not be put into practice. It is strange that the intelligence agencies, Defense Secretary and C-in-C were ignorant about the alleged conspiracy under process for two and a half years.

It is just like a fairy tale that Akbar Khan conspires without a gun, tank, brigade or division. Only eleven officers were going to do some miracles with four civilians including his wife.

There are sufficient reasons to believe that there had been a real conspiracy behind this alleged conspiracy and the objectives of the real conspirators was to create a gap and ill will between the civil and military leadership. The other objective was to destabilize the state and the popular government of Pakistan headed by the Quaid-e-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan in order to serve the designs of their foreign masters. Major General Akbar Khan was a popular figure in Royal Pakistan Army and therefore the then C-in-C Ayub Khan and Secretary Defense Iskandar Mirza avoided the Court Martial of the alleged conspirators and preferred to put the Rawalpindi conspiracy case to the civil judicial tribunal for judgement. The conspiracy was discovered around 23rd February 1951, the case was started in the tribunal in June 1951 and decided in 1953. The prosecution side took a lengthy course which was time consuming and the aim behind this process was to strengthen the position of General Muhammad Ayub Khan as the commander in Chief because his out of turn promotion was on account of the blessings of Iskandar Mirza. Another object of this lengthy trial in the civil tribunal was to hurt the popularity and reputation of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and his government. It would be pertinent to note that the SOP applicable in the civil service was the legacy of British Colonial rule. It is still in vogue. According to the process the note was used to be routed through the secretary of the concerned ministry and therefore the case of the promotion and appointment of native commander in chief of Pakistan Army was routed through Iskandar Mirza who did full favor to him.

Bloody Drama Of Rawalpindi Conspiracy

First Pakistani Prime Minister Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan

Mr. Saadat Hasan Manto had called the conspiracy a bloody drama. Rawalpindi conspiracy and the assassination of Prime Minister Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan is a three-act tragic drama with a bloody drop scene as staged on 16th October 1951.

65 years of research fully endorses Dr. Ayesha Jalal’s belief that the conspiracy was a false case engineered by the British and American Agencies in collaboration with their sympathizers in Pakistan’s Government and Armed Forces to deprive the country of outstanding patriotic officers.

The First Act consists of a false story about the conspiracy. While the PM is working day and night for the prosperity and glory of The Nation. According to the political scientists, the story was fabricated to bring the PM to a great shock, despair and a political hangover. It intended to blindfold the PM by showing false loyalty by planning to unduly prolong the trial, create hatred against the PM and the alleged officers by the print media and facilitate the assassination of the PM by neglecting or withdrawing the State Security by the Civil and Military Intelligence agencies during his visit to Rawalpindi on that fateful day of 16th October 1951.

The Second Act ends the Drama by assassination of the PM.

The Third Act comprises of seizing powers by the Troika of Ghulam Muhammad, Iskander Mirza and Ayub Khan as the main beneficiaries of the assassination of the PM.

A poet has lamented
“Rawalpindi Conspiracy ka vavaila ker kay,       
 jin logon ne PM per goli chalwai, 
17 October 1951 ki shaam ko
inhi ke haathon main phir hakoomat aai”


 Saadat Hasan Manto ne kya khoob kaha                 
“Uss din do bey gunaahon ka khoon hua”.  

Country’s civil and military intelligence agencies are totally ignorant but The Hero of the false story a Police Inspector Askar Ali Shah unveils the alleged conspiracy to the Governor KPK Mr. I.I Chundrigar. The PM calls the Defense Secretary Iskander Mirza and newly appointed Commander-in-chief Ayub Khan at Sargodha after learning from Mr. I. I. Chundrigar. Both of them expressed their complete ignorance about such conspiracy. Both lied to the PM. On the other hand Ayub Khan writes in his memoires that General Douglas David Gracey had told Ayub that there were young Turks in the Army. Neither General Gracey as commander-in-chief of Pakistan Army nor Ayub Khan ever informs the PM of this alleged conspiracy. Similarly, Iskander Mirza said on one occasion that he had sent Brigadier (later Major General) Akbar Khan DSO on a course to Imperial Defense College UK with the hope that he would be a changed man after attending the course. Again Iskander Mirza had lied. He wanted to defer his field posting and plan his posting as a staff officer in GHQ while Akbar Khan DSO was abroad. As obvious from the memoires of Major General Shahid Hamid, Isknader Mirza wanted to damage the careers of officers senior to Ayub Khan, particularly NAM Raza. Other seniors being M. Akbar Khan Rangroot and Ashfaq ul Majid both were Major General. As chief of intelligence Major General Shahid Hamid neglected the security of the PM on later’s visit on 16thOctober 1951.

Ayub Khan used Askar Ali Shah as a scapegoat through his brother Lt. Colonel Sultan Ali Shah. Isknader Mirza and Ayub Khan trusted more in Khan Qurban Ali Khan IG Punjab than IG KPK. Therefore, Askar Ali Shah was directed to record his false episode with Punjab Police instead of IG KPK. There he told that it was all non-sense. On mal-treatment by the Punjab Police he got very much annoyed and told them that he has realized that he had made a great mistake by lying to the Governor KPK about the country’s brave and patriotic army officers. He said Punjab Police is very rude and impolite to fellow officers from KPK. He refused to give any statement (like Commander Mr. Moazzam of Pakistan Navy in East Pakistan during trial of Agartala Conspiracy) and disappeared and never appeared before Hyderabad Tribunal. As his forced appearance could damage the cause of the Hyderabad Tribunal. So, no security or Intelligence agency was directed to produce him in the court.  The KPK police department was directed secretly to receive and accept his resignation. His resignation or retirement was kept secret from the tribunal. As the court asked for his presence and statement, the IG KPK told the court that he has resigned and disappeared. He was not declared absconder by the court, the alleged army officers were not court martialed, and they were tried by the Tribunal with the civilians.  The civilians were arrested to give a communist touch to the conspiracy.  None of the Pakistani Army Officers was a communist. Those who revolted later in October 1958, March 1969, July 1977 and October 1999 were also not communist. Where are the statements of the most important characters like Mr. I. I. Chundrigar and Mr. Askar Ali Shah, Iskander Mirza, Ayub Khan, General Douglas David Gracey (retired commander-in-chief who preferred to stay for three months in Pakistan after his retirement) Brigadier Ingel Commandant PMA.

 Which statement of Ayub Khan is correct??

a)      General Gracey as commander-in-chief told him about young Turks

b)      Ayub tells the PM at Sargodha that he knows nothing about the conspiracy. He will go to Peshawar with Isknader Mirza to find facts from Askar Ali Shah.

Why the officers were not arrested and court martialed when General Gracey was commander-in-chief. Leakage of conspiracy after Ayub became Commander-in-chief creates lots of doubts. It was dramatized. Was is a chemical reaction that the conspiracy will be precipitated (leaked out) soon after Ayub Khan becomes Commander-in-chief.

Lt. General Abdul Majid Malik has also illustrated in his memoires that both Isknader Mirza and Ayub Khan were not men of integrity and credibility. Iskander Mirza as Defense Secretary prepared a false file and recommended Ayub Khan as Commander-in-chief and thus cheated the PM and deprived the right of Major General Ashfaq ul Majid and Major General NAM Raza and another senior General Muhammad Akbar Khan Rangroot was not further promoted and retired as Major General in 1950. On the other hand General Gracey has been reported to have told Lt. General Wajahat Hussain in 1956 that the latter had some reservations against Ayub and had told the PM that Ayub was very ambitious and unsuitable for appointment as Commander-in-chief.

There was a false allegation against Major General Akbar Khan DSO that while abroad on a course in Imperial Defense College UK, he used to meet the communists. There is no report in evidence from the commandant of the Imperial Defense College. It seems that the secret service of UK were sleeping and allowing a free hand to the communists in UK to loiter about in Imperial Defense College, UK.

Brigadier Latif was alleged to have distributed communist literature to the officers in PMA as deputy commandant under Brigadier Ingal. Where are the statements of Brigadier Ingal and the officers who received the communist literature from Brigadier Latif? The statements of the approvers and the alleged officers were inconsistent.

The witnesses were mostly blue eyed officers of Ayub Khan. The officer were arrested on 9th March 1951 but the court assembled and started its job after three months on 15thJune 1951. The trial was unnecessarily prolonged to strengthen the position of the Troika of Ghulam Muhammad, Isknader Mirza and Ayub Khan and cheat the PM before he was assassinated. Objectives of the conspiracy were achieved by removing the PM from the scene by violence, then to gain more time and divert the attention of the nation , the trial was unnecessarily prolonged first from 15th June 1951 to 16th October 1951 and then after 16th October 1951 (assassination day) to 5th January 1953. The prolonged proceedings of the Hyderabad Tribunal and assigning inquiry to incompetent Punjab Police already guilty of negligence damaged the cause of exposing men behind the scene who were responsible for PMs Assassination. However, men behind the scene were already in power in the form of a Troika.

Such trials are concluded speedily without any wastage of time. It is an operational matter, were they waiting for the departure of General Gracey to UK who was staying in Pakistan after retirement or because Ayub Khan was going to USA to receive the Highest Award Legion of Merit or it took three months for the false witnesses to learn the dialogues by heart to ejaculate in the Hyderabad Tribunal. During these three months (9th March 1951 to 15th June 1951) Police Inspector Askar Ali Shah refused to take part in the bloody drama of the Rawalpindi Conspiracy and disappeared. If the conspiracy had been a reality, then life of the PM was certainly in danger and civil and military intelligence agencies were required to be very prompt, active and vigilant to ensure the security of the Prime Minister on 16th October 1951. The PM was assassinated exactly four months after start of inquiry by the tribunal on 15th June 1951. Since it was a false case and a part of intrigue, therefore, failure of intelligence occurred due to willful negligence and security was not provided to the PM intentionally. Therefore. Failure of civil and military Intelligence and security arrangement caused assassination of PM on 16th October 1951.

Saadat Hasan Manto wrote in Daily Afaq of 23rd October 1951 that ‘Two innocent people were killed on 16th October 1951’. Said Akbar was a scapegoat. The script writers of the conspiracy were the men behind the scene, who staged the assassination with two hired assassins. They simultaneously fired one bullet each into the heart of the Prime Minister and these simultaneous two bullets without shot gap or time lag killed the Prime Minister.  The sound of two bullets simultaneously fired at the PM without shot gap is available on the internet from the recording of Radio Pakistan on 16th October 1951 at 3:45 PM (Tuesday). The third shot is fired after eight seconds by Najaf Khan to give a signal to the police and best known to him alone. It was followed by a volley of fire in air which caused stampede and great confusion at the site. This third fire was admitted by Najaf Khan before Munir Inquiry Commission.